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Activity Log For: 05/03/2024 - RD/ 1PM iCare TRASH DERBY
Seas:2-3 ft
Visibility:80 ft
Wind:E 15kts
Dive Site:Davis Hump
Sea Temp:79* F
Captain's Comments:Today we were very proud to take part in a very SPECIAL event here in the Florida Keys, the annual Trash Derby Reef Clean-Up! There are almost 20 dive shops from Key Largo to Key West participating in the clean up and doing some good for our reefs all at ONCE! Today divers saw trash, trash, and more trash and lifted it from the surface from monofilament to weighed anchor left by fishermen. We will be collecting the trash and iCare will be weighing it and we will establish which dive shop brought up the most trash! The event is taking place tomorrow all day as well so wish our divers luck as they go save our reefs!

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